General Aviation News

Airport Noise a Constant Battle

Jun 18, 2014 01:06 PM

While this is about an airport in Australia, its the same battle fought at hundreds if not thousands of airports all around the world. Airports are the most useful when they are located nearby cities and towns so that passengers are close by their destination after their plane lands. They also need to be on […]

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Brazil’s Booming Charter Market Showcased

Jun 18, 2014 01:06 PM

The recent air show held at Sao Paulo’s Congonhas Airport showcased Brazil’s burgeoning general aviation market. General aviation refers to flights that are not military or scheduled airline passenger or cargo flights. In other words everything else. That includes small planes, private jets, corporate travel as well as police and aerial firefighting flights. There were […]

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The Unwritten Rules of Flying Private

Jun 18, 2014 01:06 PM

There’s a certain excitement that comes from flying in a private jet or plane but it shouldn’t replace good manners and being courteous to both flight crew and other passengers alike. Here are some things to keep in mind when flying on a private plane. Arrive Early Showing up early and ready for wheels up […]

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Lasers and Aircraft Don’t Mix

Jun 18, 2014 01:06 PM

On Aug. 22 the crew for an international charter jet flight from Iceland decending for landing at Kennedy Airport reported being hit in the cockpit by a green laser beam. They reported the incident to air traffic controlers, who reported it to the FAA and a few minutes later a police helicopter was dispatched to […]

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Another Sports Star’s Jet Charter Success

Jun 18, 2014 01:06 PM

After we showed you how successful jet charter was for Neymar a few weeks ago the Los Angeles Dodgers have added their own story of how valuable jet charter can be for athletes and fans. On Saturday, Aug. 25th 2012 Adrian Gonzalez woke up in the morning a member of the Boston Red Sox but […]

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